I graduated in Electrical and Electronic Engineering in the mid 1980's and
up until early 2001, had been employed by four companies within the
computer communications industry.
2001 saw a complete turnaround when stress finally got the better of me and I took a life changing decision to quit the rat race and work full time on a small business of my own which had been ticking over in the background for the previous year and a half.
The business is an on-line retail company (Savers UK Ltd.) which I now run with a Business partner from Kingston-upon-Thames (though I work mainly from home through a high speed internet connection).
Some people thought (and indeed, I did wonder) that I was committing career suicide, but having stuck it out, I have to say that my quality of life has improved dramatically, and since taking the plunge, the company's turnover has continued to grow each year. Also, unlike many of the stories you hear about dot com's, Savers UK is in profit and has been since the very beginning.
Although technically you could say I have gone from a career in engineering to being a shop keeper, I still practice many of the things I have learnt through my working career, and more importantly, I firmly believe that I am working in an area which has a future, which is more than I can say for some of the companies I've worked for!